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Very interesting horror game. Love the aesthetic. 

is there an exe version of you game?

I can upload after judging ends :)

ok cool.

soooo... how do the choices matter?

This is really cool. I love how this looks

(1 edit) (+1)

this is a great game, I feel like this style of game where very little is explained and it has a creepy vibe is amazing! add some secrets, more layers, maybe a looping mechanism where to truly win you have to do specific things and you get an amazing full sized game! I love this! (I know this is a jam game but certainly worth expanding upon some day)


Looks great, I did not expect to have to hurry that much in a game like this :P


the shader is very good!! it definitely gives off a creepy feeling


holy frog!!!

here's how much frog that was in table format.


Looks amazing, was all animation done by hand? because it is hella impressive

Thank you! Yes all animation was done manually in Godot!